On the 39-minute “The Main Event with Andrew Marchand,” Amy Trask is the guest. Trask, who was named the 75th biggest game-changer in NFL history, was the CEO for Al Davis’ Raiders. She hits on a bunch of topics:
To listen to the full podcast, upgrade at AndrewMarchand.com
Her legendary stories about her interactions with Al Davis
Why she says hi to everyone, everywhere
How she was a behavioral problem as a child
How a teacher changed her life as a junior in high school
Why she loved the Raiders as a kid
How she had no plan when she went to Cal Berkeley
Why she studied law but she didn't want to be a lawyer
How she confronted Al Davis
How Al was for gender equity by not focusing on it
How she kept the Raiders fiscally afloat
How she reacted to being 75th on all-time NFL game-changer list
How she overcome her greatest fears to get into media
What does CBS Sports' "We need to talk" mean to her
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